  Компания Липецкгеоизыскания

Качественные инженерные изыскания - основа успешного строительства!


398070, г. Липецк, ул. Н.Г. Славянова, д. 2, пом. 1, оф. 1



  +7 (4742) 46-58-31

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Сompany Lipetskgeoizyskaniya

High-quality engineering surveys are a basis of successful construction! 

About Company

Сompany Lipetskgeoizyskaniya is the largest surveying company in the Lipetsk region that exists on the market more than 10 years.

Our company does all complex of engineering surveys for construction of buildings and facilities of the I and II levels of responsibility; land survey, project design works, earth resources surveys and laser scanning of an area.

The works are carried out with the use of high-technology land surveying equipment. The company has its own laboratory that is with modern instruments equipped.

Сompany Lipetskgeoizyskaniya is a many-time winner of regional and federal tenders for contract works. Our company is marked with the certification of the winner of the All-Russian competition for high achievement of operating results in the modern economical conditions. Besides we repeatedly entered the rating of 100 best design surveying organizations of the Russian Federation following the results of the All-Russian tender - Leaders of the construction complex of Russia.  


Сompany Lipetskgeoizyskaniya does engineering-geological, engineering-geodetic and engineering-ecological surveys at the high level both in the Lipetsk region, and outside its limits today.

Сompany Lipetskgeoizyskaniya offers a full range of services:

1. Engineering surveys for construction:

  • - engineering geodesic survey;
  • - engineering geological survey;
  • - engineering hydrometeorological survey;
  • - engineering ecological survey;
  • - geotechnical monitoring;
  • - surveying of ground buildings, its constructions;
  • - laboratory works.

2. Geodesic works by construction.

3. Geologic exploration and underground survey.

4. Geodesic and cartographic survey.

5. Drilling and test survey.

6. Water drilling.

7. Ecological monitoring.

8. Cadastral work.

9. Hydrogeological survey.

10. Engineering design.

The geography of our work includes rather big territory: from the Crimea to the Republic of Bashkortostan, from Moscow to the Saratov region. Also many foreign companies trust us, among which: Lifan (China), Kemin Industries (USA), Fenzi (Italy), Yokohama (Japan), Viessmann (Germany), Black Earth Farming LTD. (Sweden), Schlumberger (France) and many more.


E-mail: ligiz_co@mail.ru

Address: 1-1, 2, Slavyanova st., Lipetsk, Russia, 398070

Telephone: +7 (4742) 46-58-31





География работ



г. Липецк, ул. Славянова, д. 2, пом. 1, оф. 1
+7 (4742) 46-58-31
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